Welcome to Great Oak Elementary School
School News

Below you will find a narrative explaining increases/decreases and the total budget for each school and department.
Thu Jan 30 08:00 AM

The Rowland R. Strong & Edith H. Strong Memorial Scholarship Fund was established at the bequest of Miriam S. Strong in memory of her late parents who were advocates of enabling young people to continue their education by earning a college degree.
Mon Jan 06 08:34 AM

We were very excited to find out that for the THIRD year in a row, GOES has earned the designation of a School of Distinction from the CSDE for our "high performance". This designation goes to the top ten percent of Connecticut schools each year based on our overall accountability index which is determined by many factors including our growth and achievement on Smarter Balanced and NGSS assessments and our rates of chronic absenteeism and physical fitness.
Tue Nov 12 12:45 PM

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